
sebastia avatar image
sebastia asked

In a parallel or three-phase system, how can I address a single unit?

In a parallel or three-phase system, how can I address a single unit?

Modbus TCPquattro 10kva
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Maybe some direction for what you are trying to do here.

Trying to configure them? Ve bus configurator.

Trying to get information off them in the Gx, you can name them.

Modbus tcp..?

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sebastia avatar image sebastia Alexandra ♦ commented ·
Hi, thank you for your responce.

I have a parallel system with a GX. I'm reading the Master's or "Systems" data through Modbus Tcp with a PLC using the GX as a gateway.

My issue is that I want to read the input/output current of each Quattro to insure that they are all working correctly, but I can only manage to read out the systems data. Is it possible to do so?

Thank you in advanced


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Modbus TCP Basics