i add a little circuit to get the old mppt 75/50 online in the night. one of the devices don't recognize sunrising. i solve this problem and reduce the supply power at the pv input.
before i do that, i try to sync the time and set register 0x2031, but this is not supported and if i read it, it is always 0. then i try to set the detection voltage with register 0xed99 and 0xed9a, but this is also not supported. i try to set the solar activity register 0x2030, without success.
i have the problem, that i have many mppt-controllers in my system and the history is moved to yesterday for all to an other time and i want to sync this.
i log all data to a sql-database and it make same problems, if the data is moved to yesterday before midnight. i can make some checks in my program, to correct this, but all that things makes more work.
and i don't find it good, that in the hex-protocol-spezifikation is no information, for which mppt-controllers functions don't work.