
djangojan avatar image
djangojan asked

Why is there no application for G98 / G99 certification in the UK for the Quattro 2 ?

Surely it's a poor job if a 2022 model can't meet compliance standards. What's going on ? Its time Victron gave their UK customers some honest answers.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
johnone avatar image
johnone answered ·

Try searching the ENA database - there were 3 applications for Quattro devices on 2nd January.

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djangojan avatar image
djangojan answered ·

I did search the ENA register , which is why i made the post .

There are a lot of recent Victron applications for models that have previously failed compliance or been made non compliant due to changes in DNO rules that seem to have been enforced during 2022.

I can see no application for the Quattro II , it looks like the product number is 2651 . Potential customers need to know about the compliance problems . Parting with a lot of cash and then finding out you can't use the product for its intended purpose doesn't exactly lead to customer satisfaction.

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