
ceke01 avatar image
ceke01 asked

Read com.victronenergy.vebus all Enegry register has value 0


I would like to have an overview using modbus of kwh charged from and send to the grid but when reading this registers they are all 0. (using a cerbo GX)

Energy from AC-In 1 to AC-out 74
Energy from AC-In 1 to battery 76
Energy from AC-In 2 to AC-out 78
Energy from AC-In 2 to battery 80
Energy from AC-out to AC-in 1 (reverse fed PV) 82
Energy from AC-out to AC-in 2 (reverse fed PV) 84
Energy from battery to AC-in 1 86
Energy from battery to AC-in 2 88
Energy from battery to AC-out 90

using the battery registers

Discharged Energy 301
Charged Energy 302

is not an option since i am using a can.bus connected BMS battery.

what are the other options ?



cerbo gxModbus TCPvebus
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3 Answers
ceke01 avatar image
ceke01 answered ·

Hi everyone,

Found the issue, in case someone else have the same :

I was reading the register as a signle register. It returned only the first part of the register what was equal to zero, reading the second part gives me the right output.

2 |3000

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Nikolaus Tittler avatar image
Nikolaus Tittler answered ·

Which Scale factor do you use?

2 |3000

Up to 8 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 190.8 MiB each and 286.6 MiB total.

Jean Jacques de Jong avatar image
Jean Jacques de Jong answered ·

The relevant scale factors are indicated in Victron's modbus spreadsheet.

2 |3000

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