
karavanlife avatar image
karavanlife asked

isolated dc-dc charger


It has an isolated dc-dc charger. Can I use this device like a non-isolated dc-dc charger only by pulling the positive cable from the car battery and connecting the negative to the car chassis?

orion dc-dc
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4 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Both negative connections are required.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

You can certainly connect the two negatives together however you should look carefully at your battery negative wiring to make sure you aren't introducing a second negative to chassis connection. The idea behind the isolated charger is so you can avoid connecting your house battery negative to the vehicle negative/chassis. You want to keep the connections between the charger output and your house battery as short and with as little voltage drop as possible in order to properly charge the house battery. Any voltage drop between the chassis and the house battery negative (system side of the shunt) can provide the Orion with incorrect battery voltage.

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karavanlife avatar image karavanlife commented ·

This is the system I will install on my camper. A cable from the Lynx Distributor will already be connected to the vehicle chassis. Do I need an isolated device for this reason? Would it be more advantageous for me if I bought it not isolated? Because the cable distance from where I want to install the dc charger is 17 ft (5m)


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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem karavanlife commented ·
The best way for you to answer your own question is to create a wiring diagram and treat all wires as a resistor. That is, there will be voltage drop across each connection proportional to the current through it. Manage cable lengths and wire sizes to minimize that voltage drop where it is critical, like as I said above between the Orion and the battery.

The charging current from the alternator/starter battery could upset the Orion's battery voltage measurement due to voltage drop in a common negative wire. Best to provide separate paths where practical.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ karavanlife commented ·
In addition to @Kevin Windrem

If you can, move the Orion close to the battery it's charging. This will minimise the effect of voltage drop over long cables. The Orion can cope with input voltage drop, but not output voltage drop.

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karavanlife avatar image
karavanlife answered ·

google translate kullandığım için sorunumu tam olarak anlatamıyorum. :( Orion ve Lynx yaşam aküsünün hemen üst tarafında duracak. Kablo mesafesi maksimum 50 cm. Benim öğrenmek istediğim Araç aküsünden çekebileceğim kablonun maksimum uzunluğu. ? Planladığım mesafe 5 metre. ( + ) ve ( - ) = 10 metre. İzole orion bu mesafe uygun mu ? Yoksa izole olmayan orion mu satın almalıyım ?

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karavanlife avatar image
karavanlife answered ·

Since I use google translate, I can't explain my problem exactly. :( Orion and Lynx will stand just above the life battery. The cable distance is maximum 50 cm. What I want to know is the maximum length of the cable that I can pull from the vehicle battery. ? The planned distance is 5 meters. ( + ) and ( - ) = 10 meters. Isolated orion is suitable for this distance Or should I buy non-isolated orion?

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