I already have this installation:
- 3x MP-II 48/3000
- 1x SmartSolar MPPT 150/100
- Cerbo GX
- 3x Pylontech US3000C
I'm going to add:
- 1x Pylontech US3000C
- 1x SmartSolar MPPT 150/75
- Extra battery:
According to this article https://www.victronenergy.com/live/battery_compatibility:pylontech_phantom
When I connect the extra battery, I really don't need to do anything? It says that the Cerbo detects the batteries automatically and sets all parameters itself. Is that correct? All fw in all devices meet the requirements from that article - Adding 2nd MPPT
I will need to create the the VE.Smart Network on the 1st MPPT and connect the second MPPT to that network so those 2 MPPTs will sync.
I will connect the MPPT vie VE.Direct to Cerbo GX.
Is all that correct?
Thanks a lot.