
offgridcircuits avatar image
offgridcircuits asked

Multiplus II 2 X 120 Programable Relay

I have the Multiplus II 2X 120 in my RV. I am rigging up a cooling system that triggers off the relay programmable logic. But there is nothing in the manual that shows the location of this relay. It has two Aux + - connections and an open collector (whatever that is) and Ext. ground relay. Is there documentation on these or is the relay inside the case?


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1 Answer
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

The AUX relay is connector D. Connections overview.

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offgridcircuits avatar image offgridcircuits commented ·
Thank you. I feel stupid. It was right in front of me and I was going by other posts that were all about using item "N". Thank you for clarifying that. I would buy you a beer if I could.
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