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mb4331 asked

Recording the power consumption of different devices using the EM24 / Cerbo GX

Hi everybody,

in the near future I will uprade my existing installation with a battery and victron components.
The system will look like this:
Energy-Meter: Victron EM24 (replaces the exisiting Sunny-Home-Manager 2.0)
System-Controller: Victron Cerbo GX
Battery Inverter: Victron Multiplus 2 48/5000
PV-Inverter: SMA Tripower 15000

Now the question:
Is it possible with this Victron-setup to record the power consumption of single devices (e.g. heat-pump)?
At the moment I'm doing this with the Sunny-Home-Manager, which reads the S0-Signal of a standard DIN-Rail-meter using the Smart-Appliance-Enabler running on a Raspberry PI.
All the data is shown in the SMA Sunny-Portal.

I havent't read anything about reading the S0-Signal with an EM24 or the Cerbo GX.
For sure another option would be to install an additional energy-meter (ET340) just for the heat-pump.
But this would be an expensive solution.
Has anybody another idea how to realize that?

cerbo gxvictronem24
2 |3000

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Related Resources

Cerbo GX product page

GX family product range

Cerbo GX & GX Touch datasheet

Cerbo GX Manual

Venus root access document

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

Energy Meter Manual EM24 RS485