
rival avatar image
rival asked

Interface MK2 or MK3 USB?

I'm trying to find out if I need a MK2 VE Bus to USB or MK3. I have tried to connect to my Victron Multiplus Pheonix Inverter Charger 24/1200/25 with Firmware No. 1817xxx.HEX using a MK3 adaptor with VEConfigure 3 but when making port selection receive 'MK 3 Detected (VE. Bus Device Only). and will not connect to inverter. I'm thinking I may need the MK2 as MK3 does not appear to be working?

I have searched through relevant posts, but there seems to be conflicting opinion as to which VE Bus to USB will work. Any advice would be appreciated.

Phoenix Inverter
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

If the MK3 does not work you need to use the MK2.

Your old Phoenix MultiPlus uses the old VE.9bit protocol and the newer MK3 can only "talk" VE.bus.

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wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

An older product with 18xxyyy firmware is not VE.Bus it is VE.9bit and it won't work with a MK3. You'll need a MK2 to configure a 18xxyyy (VE.9bit) product.

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