
georgebester avatar image
georgebester asked

bf safety test in progress fail; step 8

Can' t seem to get past error 11 step 8 and step 8 name is also changing from ground error to now Back Feed

if there is a BF error then surely this is a Multiplus problem or is it as a result of incorectly trying to back feed but due to country grid code this is not allowed so therefore error

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jonny-b avatar image jonny-b commented ·

Hi George. This is exactly what I've had continuously when trying to commission my system.

I'm sure my home's electrics are good, and a Victron dealer has logged onto my VRM to confirm the setups correct.

Did you manage to get it sorted? If so, I'd love to hear what the solution was. I'm on the verge of returning it to the Victron dealer I bought it from.



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