
fvdm avatar image
fvdm asked

V1.61 breaks load output on MPPT 100/20

After installing firmware V1.61 on my small MPPT 100/20, the load output never switches on. I've tried everything (I think). And yes, I did remove it from both solar panels and battery for 60s to force a reboot. Tx

firmware update
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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
Did you confirm no settings inadvertently changed?

The main change was around battery voltage auto-detection, so I would consider checking those parameters, or attempt a reset to default and reapply.

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1 Answer
southsideph avatar image
southsideph answered ·

I have a couple of 100/20s running 1.61 without any load output issues. Check your settings "Always off", Low Voltage and Restart Voltage) etc also check your communication setting to make sure it is set to Normal as the load output I believe could be re-directed to the VE.Direct socket (Pin can be used to control a relay etc). Also check it is not being overloaded causing the output to shutdown

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