
Dave Lewicki avatar image
Dave Lewicki asked

New Multiplus II temperature light when cold

I did read though similar older posts but no solution. New Multiplus II 12/3000/120. Worked for a few hours. Get temperature light and strong fan w/ no warmth in/around unit immediately after turning on, no load, ambient temp about 65F.

This happens when AC-in is the only connection. (AC OUT / DC disconnected). Also when DC to battery is the only connection. (AC IN / AC OUT disconnected). There is no external temp sensor.

Firmware updated. Assuming this is a faulty temp sensor in the unit, but if anyone has any ideas. We are on the road with a new system.

2 |3000

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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Does sound like a fault on the unit. If you're near a dealer that's open at this time of year, suggest you call in.

2 |3000

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