
olivier68 avatar image
olivier68 asked

IP65 - VictronConnect v5.8 : advanced settings unavailable


I bought an ip65 12/25 Blue Smart Charger.
It seem working well, but advanced settings are not available in VictronConnect
contrary to what is mentioned in the manual, and in this post
I can just use pre-prog settings, very disappointed.

Like petoro above, in January 2020, i checked it before buying.

my settings:

Testing conditions: various lead acid batteries ~50Ah
VictronConnect: v5.8 for Android 4.x
Firmware: v6.21
Bootloader: v3.15

Android: 4.4

Is that normal, any ideas? an upgrade? Do i have to return my charger?


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3 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


You have to set the battery preset to user defined.

You can save your profile as well.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


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olivier68 avatar image
olivier68 answered ·

Hello Alexandra,

Thanks for your answer.

The only settings available for me is the UI language and display temperature unit on the VictronConnect general settings panel.

On the ip65 product settings, i can only chose between:


- Normal

- Normal+recondition

- High

- High+recondition

- Li-ion


- 10A

- 25A

Apart the Product info panel no other settings available to customize and manage my charge profiles.

Does VictronConnect have to be online to have settings access (Wifi or mobile connection, 4G or others)?


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olivier68 avatar image
olivier68 answered ·


I have found the beginning of an answer, by try VictronConnect to a more recent smartphone with Android 9 OS.

The system performed a Bootloader upgrade from V3.21 to V3.25 during its first connection.

In that case, the access to the history and advanced settings is available with the saving option.

After this upgrade, a new connection try with Android 4.4.4 smartphone still does not allow access to advanced settings and history.

That would mean that the VictronConnect V5.8 for Android 4 available to download on, is restricted.

This restriction should be announced on download page, if confirmed.


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Related Resources

VictronConnect Manual

Download for iOS / Android / Mac / Windows

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