
tigrou9999 avatar image
tigrou9999 asked

Question about MPPT Calculator (Missing 250/70 Ve.CAN)

I am preparing an ESS installation with a multiplus II.
I try to choose my MPPT with the Victron calculator and my solar panels (blue Solar) which I entered the characteristics
It is proposed to me a 250/60 or a 250/85.
I do not understand why the 250/70 is not proposed to me!
Although the 250/60 is suitable I prefer the 250/70 because available in VE.CAN.

Is it a technical limitation with the 250/70 or a small bug?
Here is a link to share the configuration
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Or directly the PDF
mppt_calculator_20_12_2022 14 56 27.pdf


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2 Answers
Bob (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Bob (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Dear mr. tigrou9999,

due to an older 250/85 without VE.Can in the database, which is cheaper than newer versions with VE.Can, the algorithm choose for the 250/85 as an option instead. The database has been updated, so this should be solved and should only show the 250/60. A bigger MPPT can of course be chosen, so in your case a 250/70 is not a problem due to the available VE.Can. We are looking for additional filters in the future to manage this as well!

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tigrou9999 avatar image
tigrou9999 answered ·

Hello Bob,

Thank you very much for your answer!
I am indeed looking for a VE.can.

It's a pity that the comparator doesn't show all the solutions.
In this case it could propose 250/60, 250/70 and 250/85 because all three are possible.

Thanks again for your help and this very useful tool (the latest Excel file is not working on my mac)

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Related Resources

MPPT Product Page

MPPT Error codes

MPPT 150/60 up to 250/70 Manual

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic