
timstobart avatar image
timstobart asked

Inverter orientation. Mistake/contradiction in the instruction manual

We have recently bought a pheonix 12/250VA inverter to replace the old one in our motorhome. I have read through the instruction manual, and found a mistake that contradicts the installation position. The following two photos are where it occurs, 3.1. Position 5 (which is how I intend to align it), says that position is ok, position 4 is not recommended. This is contradicted in the appendix: mounting instructions: the text at the bottom states position 4 is a suitable position, while 5 is advised not to be used in the bold text at the bottom. I have also attached the front cover for reference.

My question (other than pointing out the contradiction) is can I install it horizontally on a vertical surface (3.1: position 5)?

installationinverter current draw
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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

The best way to mount it is vertical with the fan at the bottom as this allows convection to also assit with the air flow.

the otherways are also ok but you may get a overheat at high loads,

so mount it the way you want but keep the ideal mounting direction in mind

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