
frejaf65 avatar image
frejaf65 asked

Quattro 24/8000 on yacht drops the charge level down very quickly

I have a Quattro 24/8000/200A charger inverter on a long range cruising yacht. There are three sources of charging - 2 x 200A alternators (one on each engine), 17.5kW Onan generator, solar panels.

The house battery bank is 12 x 6v Rolls 400Ah wired with four in series and 3 banks of 4 in parallel.

The issues I am seeking answers on are;

1. Under engine power the charger seems to accept charge from the alternators for 2 hours then it stops taking any charge and the batteries discharge. I can trick the system by stopping the engines and re-starting then they go another 2 hours. Why do they not continue to charge until 100% then keep that charge at 100%.

2. When at anchor for days we use the generator to fill up the batteries and solar contributed during the day.. When the generator is turned on the charger kicks in often taking a good amount of current. Then this quickly tapers off to a few amps of current when we are down say 150 amp hours. We obviously don't want to run the generator longer than we have to. Again, i can trick the system by turning the Quattro off then back on and the charging goes up to levels I'd expect to see and the batteries get charged to 100%. Why can the software not provide for fast and full charging of batteries?

Has anyone experienced this before and can it be fixed?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
snoobler avatar image
snoobler answered ·

Worth checking this out:

Your engines provide AC input to the Quattro?

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