I have a Fronius Primo with Victron Multiplus II Quattro 48/15000/200 and a 28kWh battery.
I live in Spain and normally there is enough solar power to charge the batteries during the day even in winter.
However during a prolonged period of overcast days there is only just enough SP to feed the load with little left over to charge the batteries and sometimes they barely increase from their minimum of 15% capacity. For example it is now just after 1300 and the SOC is still only 16% althought the PV is increasing..
As the overnight electricity tariff is considerably cheaper I would like to be able occasionally to charge the batteries overnight from the grid when necessary.
This is a screenshot of my dashboard with the control panel open.
Could someone please advise if I can achieve my aim of charging the batteries overnight from the grid using this control panel or is it a job for the installer?