
rubicon avatar image
rubicon asked

Fuse before or after battery switch

I’m in the middle of designing a system for my class B vehicle. I’ve read different opinions regarding the placement of the main fuse and main battery on/off switch. Should I place a class T fuse before of right after the main battery switch? Note: If the main fuse is after the switch, I will still add an additional class T fuse off a bus bar for the Victron 3K Multi Plus. What is the best option? Should I add a 300 amp terminal fuse or mega fuse next to the battery that feeds the main line - either one of the two would be mounted under the vehicle and exposed to the elements with the batteries. If I mount a class T fuse before the switch, inside the vehicle, it will be within 2 feet of the switch. Which approach meets ABYC?

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1 Answer
kamflyer avatar image
kamflyer answered ·

Main fuse should be the first thing and as close to the battery as possible.

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Fuses & fuse holders Product Page.

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