I realize there is no official "support" for os large and node red, but I'm hoping someone might be able to help steer me in the right direction. I am fairly illiterate when it comes to programming although I can follow directions. (Mostly lol)
I am using a very basic flow to switch a water heater on and off based on active ac input. That was not difficult to figure out. Next I want to incorporate a water pump (12volt in an RV) into the gx control. The current setup has 2 momentary switches (one in the bathroom and one in the kitchen) which control a latching relay that switches ground to the pump and an indicator light next to the switches. I realize I can do the simple way and just abandon all that and control the pump via manual relay switching through the gx, but I would really like to retain the switch in the bathroom for those times when you step into the shower and realize you forgot to turn the pump on.
if I could create a flow that uses a digital input (switched from the remote in the bathroom) to trigger a relay state change that would be ideal. Problem is I can't figure it out. I don't want to just set digital input active turns it on and digital input inactive turns it off because if it's already turned on by the remote switch I want to be able to turn it off by the gx, and vice versa. So is there some way to simply setup so a change in digital input state triggers a change in relay state? Regardless of what the initial state is? Hope this makes sense.
Anyone help me out?