
guru77 avatar image
guru77 asked

Fuses Pylontec / MPPT 450/200 / MP II


could please anybody confirm that the fuses and cables I'm using are correct in my installation?

I'm not 100% sure...

I have installed 4 Pylontec 5000 batteries (4,8kWh each) in 2 groups of 2 batteries

Connected every group with (original pylontec) 25mm cables and protected by 100A MIDI fuse each group

The MPPT 450/200 goes with a 30cm, 70mm cable to the 200A fuse on the bus bar.

The multi is connected with a short 50mm cable and protected by 100A midi fuse.

Is there any problem with this installation?

Thank you!


dc system
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djsmiley avatar image djsmiley commented ·
Should work, however I would use a 200A fuse and 70mm2 for the inverter (add the inrush / peak current - 100A is too small imho).

Also I would opt for only mega fuses, midi fuses don't have much contact surface and only M5 usually. I would use M8 mega fuses (6-way fuse holder or lynx).
Also, I would recommend equal wire lengths to the fuse box.
finally, make sure your fuses are rated for 48V, and not the regular (32V max) versions.

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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


@DJSmiley Is correct check the Multi manual here.

Bigger fuse on the RS 450/200 length of cable to the lynx/ modular fused bus bar also affects sizing. There are quite a few options for DC distribution

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guru77 avatar image
guru77 answered ·

Thank you!
I'l change to MEGA fuses and 250A for the MPPT, 200A MP and 2 x 100A Pylontech.

Is there any problem, using 30cm short cables for MPPT / MP?

The only thing I see is that I have to change the negative cable also to a bus bar and use the same length as positive, am I right?

Or do I need to use for all devices the same length as the pylontec cables?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
ideally you want symmetry.

The shorter the better on DC so 30cm is a nice short run

And yes dont stack lugs. Bus bar combination is are better.

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