
over-and-under-victron avatar image
over-and-under-victron asked

100/20 Load Output to an Orion 12/12 - 18A?

My goal is to charge my start battery with my house batteries. I had hoped to power the Orion with the Load Output of the 100/20 but it doesn't seem to be working. It works for a moment then disconnects.

The Orion works when it's input is connected directly to my house batteries.

Any suggestions?

orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
over-and-under-victron avatar image
over-and-under-victron answered ·

Well, it looks like the Orion has some sort of start up surge. And the 100/20 Load Out is protecting it's self? I am surprised it doesn't just let the fuse blow?

When I setup the Orion to act as a power supply and set the output V to 13.2 I am able to get it to start on the 100/20's Load Output.

Frustrating - I was really really hoping to power this via the Load Output so I could control and data log it with Cerbo.

Why can't 18A be 18A Victron? ZERO mention of a start up surge in the PDFs.

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