
john-ringwood avatar image
john-ringwood asked

EasySolar 24/3000/70 frequent Inverter overheating - never reaches 3000w!

Dear Victron Community, Dear Victron Support,

i have a EasySolar 24/3000/70 150/70 with Color Control installed for almost a year in Portugal now, but i could never reach it's rated power output due to frequent Inverter overheating. Even with 2000w load at 20°C environmental temp it shuts off after less then 5 minutes. Thus i never reached the marketed 3000w load during the whole time of operation.

The Inverter is installed with the mandatory distances to the walls/ceiling/floor in a wooden shed with air-inlets in the floor and outlets close to the ceiling, i even tried to support the airflow with a powerful fan (which helped a bit, but delayed my problem just by about 2 minutes). Also the case of the EasySolar itself is not even hot or warm when the inverter is already shutting down due to overheating.

I know about the power derating at various temperatures, so i thought it was because of hot environmental temps, but the problem still occurs in winter.
Additionally my Lithium-Batteries stay still cool when the inverter is overheating.

Is there any way to solve my problem internally in the settings or software related, to able to use the full capacity of it without building a seperate powerful Air-conditioning system around it?

Could it be that i have a faulty temperature sensor installed? And how do i find out or replace it?

Thanks in advance,


EasySolar All-in-One
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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Its 3000VA, as per spec sheet the max is 2400W.

Even at that output, without cooler temps or good ventilation it will derate below that.

It is a bad idea designing a system to run at or near its max power. Temperature is also internal temp, not ambient.

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