
bm97ppc avatar image
bm97ppc asked

Add another MPPT by linking to the first via VE.Can (First connected VE.Direct)

OK, so I have a Multiplus GX and an MPPT VE.CAN.

The CAN port on the GX is used by the BMS. and the MPPT is connected to Multiplus GX using the VE.Direct

Can I add another by connecting the 2 MPPT together with VE.CAN, the original also still connected to the Multiplus GX via VE.Direct?

If that is not possible what are the options, as the GX only has 1 CAN Network and 1 VE.Direct Port?


Multiplus-IIMPPT SmartSolarVE.DirectVE.Can
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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

No, that's not possible, you need to use the USB cable.

If the USB port is already used, you need a USB Hub.

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bm97ppc avatar image bm97ppc commented ·
OK Thanks
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