
janvi avatar image
janvi asked

Fronius against other brands in AC coupled Victron system

In a system with 2x3 MP2-5000 charging 90kW/h LiFePo by MPPT RS450 I like to add further capacity using AC coupled micro grid. Public grid is available but export to grid is not primary intention. In some Victron descriptions we find the recommendation for use of Fronius inverters because of its improved Victron compability.

Unfortunately, I ordered a SMA Sunny Tripower Core1 but SMA is not able to ship for almost one year and there is nothing in sight until summer next year. Further I am pissed on as simple accesoires like the integrated surge arrestors or sunny home manager now have double or triple price beside there is also nothing on stock.

I understand the reasons for the 1:1 rule and the required power regulation loop is done by frequency shifting of the Multiplus. Why is there any required GX communication by ethernet (Modbus-TCP) ? Only for visualisation ?

I hesitate to cancel my SMA assuming the Fronius stocks are also empty. But what are the benefits of Fronius against SMA or any other inverter brands in a Multiplus AC Microgrid ?

AC PV Coupling
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1 Answer
Phil Gavin avatar image
Phil Gavin answered ·

Frequency-shifting is only possible without a connection to the power system. If this is all that is required most brands of PV inverters will fulfill this role.

Communication with the PV inverter is a method that can control the PV inverter's power production when the grid is connected. With the Fronius/Victron combo, this communication is supported by both brands.

Some brands of PV inverters have other methods that work independently of Victron to limit exports when the grid is connected using proprietary meters or CTs.

I suspect the Sunny home manager metering makes this function available to the SMA PV inverter, but I am not sure as I have never really researched that particular setup.

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