I have spent some time getting the VE.Direct Lorawan module to connect
From the manual:
Assembly instructions
- Screw the antenna onto the LoRaWAN Module
- Mount the LoRaWAN Module close to the device you wish to monitor
- Connect the VE.Direct cable between devices
- Connect the DC Power (8V - 68V, looking to the module with green connector below of the module, the positive is on the left)
- After a short wait the LED will blink green indicating that all is OK
- Go to the VRM Portal to add your installation
I have powered the device with a 12V powersupply
I just keeps flashing red/blue, steady read, blue/red flash
It never blinks green.
I have setup a TheThingsnetwork gateway (Microtik Knot) and I have place the device within 20meter and over 100meters and 2 concrete walls away:
The Mirotik router has been setup accordingly to the documentation (https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/docs/gateways/mikrotik/)
I can see from the TTN interfacet its running (see below)
Do you have any hints on what could cause this?
If I try to claim the device on the VRM portal it will not let me do so (and I would suspect because it has not reached out to the VRM portal yet with the green led)