
john-strein avatar image
john-strein asked

Problem with my IP22 12/30 charger.

My IP22 had been working well but just went off the rails. My battery SOC is 65% and battery voltage is 13.41.

Plugged in charger and it immediately went into Absorption mode with over 16 volts! It has never done this and the charge voltage is way high.

First it should be in bulk and secondly the absorption voltage is set at 14.1.

Why is it not in bulk mode and why is the voltage in absorption so high.

It is in a network with a BMV 712 Smart Battery Monitor and Smart Solar MPPT 100/30 charge controller.

I don't want to use the IP22 charger because it messing up so bad.

Any ideas?

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1 Answer
john-strein avatar image
john-strein answered ·

Problem solved! After reading similar post that essentially said it was likely a fuse or wiring problem so I double checked. Found a blown fuse on main buss bar from a loose connection.

Thanks forum for encouraging me thoroughly looking at fuses and wiring before blaming the charger.

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