
nir-fsight avatar image
nir-fsight asked

Set AcPowerSetpoint , MultiPlus using MQTT


I would like to set the value of AcPowerSetPoint using MQTT.

in the documentation, i see example of it using the following:


However, I don't see any topic containing the "Hub4" nor I get any response for the command.

Is the Hub4 still valid?

Whet am I doing wrong?



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1 Answer
neo avatar image
neo answered ·

I think there is an error as the path should be in sync with the parameter of the topic you want to update.

I believe the correct path should be W/e0ff50a097c0/hub4/0/AcPowerSetpoint and not W/e0ff50a097c0/vebus/257/Hub4/L1/AcPowerSetpoint

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