i am using 3x Multiplus II 5000 for my ESS.
And i think about adding a fossil fuel based generator as a backup-system.
As my multis have no 2nd AC-input, and i don´t want to change to quattros, i think about installing a 48V DC-Generator, that only charges my batteries.
This should be a simple integration, isn´t it?
This could be configured by "has DC-load", and it should show as negative DC-load in VRM, correct?
I found that there are already a limited number of such 48V DC generators/chargers available on the market, see e.g:
or some cheap chinese untis, which seem to be somehow common for Telecom applications:
So my question is:
Has anybody any experiance with this approach?
Are there any 48V DC generators that have been tested or can be recommended for this approach?
thanks to everybody!