Hello everyone,
I'm doing a large installation that consists of 242 Pylontech US5000 batteries. For maintenance purposes, it seems important to us to be able to act quickly on a defective battery or one that has a too high temperature for example. Unfortunately, we have not yet been able to find a solution that would accurately indicate a defective battery.
Recently I noticed that the remote console was indicating the address of the coldest/hottest battery or the lowest/highest voltage battery as shown in the attached picture.
Max cell temperature : Battery 0101 - 19°C
If the Cerbo GX indicates these addresses, there must be a way to retrieve all the battery addresses. In this way we will be able to associate the address of the battery with its number and its location in the battery bank.
For the communication with the batteries we will use several LV Hubs. The next step will be to ask Pylontech how the addressing of the batteries is distributed.
Do you have any idea how I can enter in the Cerbo GX and retrieve the address of a battery? I will also need to find a way to display the temperature status of each battery in the VRM...
I have never tried to get the Modbus address of the batteries so I don't know yet the tool to use for that... Can you direct me to the method?
I saw that there is the Node-Red tool but I don't know if it will be able to help me and I haven't dug into the possibilities of this tool yet.