
meda avatar image
meda asked

GX Touch no running points

GX Touch no running points on current line between battery and inverter

GX Touch = my mobile phone
Inverter = Phoenix 1200
VE.Direct cable Phoenix ---> Cerbo GX
VE.Direct cable BMV 712 ---> Cerbo GX
VE.Direct cable charge controller ---> Cerbo GX
Firware 2.61

cerbo gx
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3 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

If the power calculated for a flow line is less than about 30 watts the dots won't show and move.

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meda avatar image
meda answered ·

Thank you for your answer. It is 340 watts

should therefore be displayed

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meda avatar image
meda answered ·

Here in the video at 5:22
But it does not work for me

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