
francois64200 avatar image
francois64200 asked

Implementing VE.Direct module / TTN(LoRaWan) / VRM

Hello, I'm working in a firm that has it own LoRaWan network. We want allow users of BMV-700 to access their data from anywhere; thanks to the VE.Direct module and our network.

  • What is the shape of the data sent by the VE.Direct module to TTN ? Is that the same protocol as VE.Direct protocol but wirelessly ? I would like to translate this data and store it to a database before displaying it in the VRM Portal.
  • Is it possible on the VRM portal to have an "administrator" account that allow the firm to monitor all the Victron devices detected by our LoRaWan network. Customers will only have access to their "customer" account refering to their own device.
VRMBMV Battery MonitorVE.DirectAC PV CouplingLoRaWAN
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2 Answers
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi @Francois64200, I’m not 100% sure what you’re after with your questions. But perhaps this helps:

Wrt to your third question: you can make an admin account yes. But our portal cannot by itself detect systems from your network and auto assign them to that user.

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francois64200 avatar image francois64200 commented ·

@mvader (Victron Energy Staff) thanks a lot for your answer that really help us!

A last question. It seems that to allow the VE.Direct sending data to VRM portal, it usually pass through LoRaWAn "The Things Industry" => TTI, and this without doing any setting on the network. It allows the user to get his data in VRM without wondering about the network.

But in our case, we have our own private network working with "The Things Network" => TTN. And i'm afraid that we must have a code running on our TTN that push the data to the VRM portal.

Do you have any idea how we can push the data from our own network to VRM portal?

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ francois64200 commented ·

We don’t have a ready feature for what you are after. Why not configure your lorawan gateways to work on the normal The Things Network, which our device supports out of the box?

I don’t see any other solutions.

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Simon avatar image
Simon answered ·

Looking to download the Victron Lorawan files but the github link is not working ?

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