
peterepeat avatar image
peterepeat asked

VE.Bus Error 11 Communication Error


a 3-phase ESS with three MultiPlus II 48/3000 (Firmware 497) and a Cerbo GX (Firmware 2.91) working for a month without a problem - now getting a VE.Bus Error 11 - 0x800016 - BF safety test OK - Communication error.

I already double-checked my Wiring and all the error 11 steps from Could anybody give me a hint on this?vebuserror112022-11-10-084012.jpgCheers, Peter

error 11
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3 Answers
peterepeat avatar image
peterepeat answered ·

Yesterday I got the same communication error again.

vebuserror112022-12-23-060203.jpgWhat type of communication may cause this problems? Communication between the MultiPlus II inverters or communication between CerboGX and the inverters?

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Eduard Visser avatar image
Eduard Visser answered ·

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Eduard Visser avatar image
Eduard Visser answered ·

Last night I had the same notification. Nothing seems to be wrong, but strange. At the same time a water pump took a small amount of current (0.7 Amp). Could it be a critical induction which has affected the VE bus communication cable, which is close?

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
You really want to try keep the vebus cabling away from power sources. The quality of cabling also can vary.
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Eduard Visser avatar image Eduard Visser nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
Thanks, if I find some time I will separate them more.
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