
fpvosper avatar image
fpvosper asked

EM24 Ethernet versions/availability

I am looking to order an EM24 Ethernet meter or equivalent. I have 100A single phase supply, 25mm2 tails at meter location and the GX installation is ~200m away. There is an existing LAN connection between the two points, so an ethernet meter such as the EM24 wired for single phase is preferable.

Unlike all the other meters listed in Victron energy meter guide (, there are no specific compatible version of this model listed under the Remarks column against the EM24.

The Carlo Gavazzi datasheet (
) for the EM24 lists two models, a CT clamp version (max 10A) (EM24DIN AV5 3X E1 X) and a direct wired version (max 65A) (EM24DIN AV2 3X E1 X).

The datasheet suggests that the direct wired version only has 16mm2 connection points and is and rated to 65 A , so rules that one out for my application. Leaving only the CT clamp version.

Please could the tech team confirm that the at CT clamp version of the EM24 ethernet meter (10A) (EM24DIN AV5 3X E1 X) is compatible with Victron systems. I spoke with Nigel from the Victron UK sales team, he indicated that the EM24 Ethernet was currently on order with the manufacturer, however he was unable to confirm exact version on order (CT or direct wired), so I would be grateful if this would be clarified.


Energy Meter
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1 Answer
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·


Thanks for pointing that out. The version numbers for both, shunt and clamp version, will be added to the selection guide asap.

The EM24 Ethernet CT version compatible with Venus OS is:

  • EM24DIN AV5 3X E1 X

The EM24 Ethernet Shunt/direct measuring version compatible with Venus OS is:

  • EM24DIN AV2 3X E1 X

For availability please ask your distributor. Note that EM24DINAV53XE1X is not available through Victron. You have to get it from elsewhere.

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