I posted recently about the Multiplus 3kva and sensitive equipment , but let me ask a more direct question here:
In reveiwing a document from victron stating the overload capabaility of the Multiplus series inverter, they state that for startup current of an inductive/capacitive load (0.7 power factor), double inverter size is needed. See attached sheet.
We currently spec'd the Multiplus 12/3000/120 for use to power our equipment (cut sheet attached). Our equipment has a max consumption of 2700va with power factor of 0.7.
My math shows this will pull 1890 watts at max. On average it pulls about 300w as read on our power meter. We don't have much more data about how long it consumes it's maximum current but it doesn't seem to be very long, and certainly not continuously.
First question: When following the Victron recommendation of "double inverter size" on the attached slide, is this only for overload scenarios?
Second question, if the Multiplus 3kva is rated at 3000va or 2400w continuous, does this equate to a power factor of 0.8? And does this number affect the actual power consumption of the unit plugged into it?
Thanks again.