
Roger Egli avatar image
Roger Egli asked

PV Array matching to easysolar-ii gx 48/5000


My local vendors are all either just selling or installing on mobile homes, so i have to figure things out for myself. plus the other solar companies do not want to install victron, only their own solutions.

I'd like to veryfiy that my planning is ok; i want a easysolar-ii gx 48/5000 to connect up to this array, i was planning with the mppt planning tool from victron:


Series 4
Parallel 5
Min temperature [°C] -10
Max temperature [°C] 70
Battery float voltage [V] 54
System voltage [V] 48
Power [Wp] 460
Voc [V] 50.01
Isc [A] 11.45
Vmpp [V] 42.13
Impp [A] 10.92

Because of the distance, we'll have 70 meters, i need to either use a junction box or run 5 pairs up. If someone has a better idea, i would be very happy to listen to advice.

Target is a >10kw system, with this setup, i'll calculated to get to 8.5kWp and have around 500kwh monthly yield in December, given best conditions. latitude is here around 43°N

The batteries will likely be 4 or 5x Pylontech US3000C 3.5kWh

Thank you for your input :-)



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2 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @Roger Egli

I might be missing something here, but if not, a reality check..

The solar mppt aboard that Easy is limited to 100Amps charge output. The Pylons aren't high V batteries, so I'd expect you to max out (clip) at say 5500W. It can handle that much panel, but can't use it all at the top of the solar bellcurve. That doesn't mean you can't achieve your monthly production targets though, but it's something to consider.

70m is a long way for solar wire. High V better over distance, and Victron do have 450/ models in 100 or 200A. They have separate trackers for each (longer) solar string so you'd need more than one pair, but they'd be smaller in total.

The Easysolar may be an attractive combo box, but don't lock yourself into it if you find more suitable component options.

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Roger Egli avatar image
Roger Egli answered ·

Thank you @JohnC

Yes it is 100A max, that means in Winter, i consider 3-4h Sunshine max. That should be enough to keep the batteries charged no?

In summer i will have a surplus anyway, so i understand, the inverter is feeding everything it can't store automatically into the grid?

As i understood (maybe i am wrong tho) this consideration is important if you want a bigger battery pack, say, you want to go say above and beyond 15kwh/312,5ah. storage, then it would get tight or impossible.

I just want to be able to load the daily consumption of my 12kwh and be sure, i have some spare. On top of that, the most energy hungry appliances in our home are used during sunlight hours.

My main consumption is for cooking and cleaning, and also, in summer during the day, maybe run ac. but on top of that, i also do canning, to store my veggies for winter. all those things are done during peak production in summer. The canned food also reduces the need for long cooking in winter, such as stews and soups etc. thus reducing the need further.

I started to calculate everything for the multiplus II, when i found the all in one solution. The price difference is huge. Under mentioned aspects, i thought its more cost effective to go with the limitations, that maybe i can't charge so much so quickly, but as we are not planning on a electric car for the next 5-10 years, i thought i go with the cheaper option. That would give me spare money to invest in a better and efficient fridge/freezer as well as induction and better oven, again, reducing the over all consumption.

second consideration was, down to 80% panel efficiency after 20 years: meaning the panels are slightly oversized from the start, so i'll have a system that is able to produce what we need even after amortization for a bit longer.

you said it, i need a reality check, if what i have researched under said conditions is feasible.

if it is, it would be awesome :-)

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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ commented ·
@Roger Egli

What you say makes sense, and the 100A limitation is likely the best way to go. Another mppt could be added to an Easy later if you found the need (but with separate solar wiring).

Your usage habits make a big difference too, to battery sizing. Some only need enough to get through the night, others want more. It's not the size of the batts that require a bigger mppt, its what you draw from them and have to put back. Pylons also have tightish charge/discharge limits so you have to look at all these little things.

Your 12kWh/day isn't massive, and those extra panels for poor days and winter is great security.

But now you've explained more I'd say Lookin Good! You'll never know for sure until you've tried it, but there's nothing there that can't be added to. Keep thinking though. :)

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Roger Egli avatar image Roger Egli JohnC ♦ commented ·

Nice, thank you

i found the figure of 37a charge current (i guess, charge and discharge are about the same)

my logic is this:

if i come in with 100a, and have 4 units the normal charge current is split between all the units, giving me 25amps each, given they are all synchronized (which usually, should be how it is i understand) and if this is not the case, the bms should cut it off if one unit is out of balance?

that's why i consider 5 units actually, as if i get a fail on one unit, the load is still not high enought to case a shutdown of the charge cycle, only on the faulty one. but maybe i'm wrong and it's not so easy. i never had to deal with a BMS tbh....

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