
lckwill2 avatar image
lckwill2 asked

MPPT 100/30 with SOK 206 amp hr lithium not resetting to 100%

I have SOK 206 lithium with Victron shunt, monitor and charge controller. I manually set SOC to 100% when the charge controller stopped charging and voltage was at max. But now 5 days go by and the monitor never shows 100% but instead keeps dropping slightly each day. No loads except normal parasitic ones, 3 - 100 watt panels, the solar coming in shows it should reach 100% each day but instead it just keeps showing SOC dropping. Why? And what am I missing or not doing correctly?screenshot-20221028-111944.pngImage Caption



BMV Battery Monitor
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1 Answer
ahtrimble avatar image
ahtrimble answered ·

Where is you shunt located? It should be right at the battery bank on the negative side. Only the battery should be on one side...everything else should be on the other side of the shunt.

Hope that helped,


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