
petajoule avatar image
petajoule asked

:-( could Victron PLEASE change the GX "wrong password" alert box?

I need to rant this off.

GX Frontend, trying to login via web browser. Yeah, I have several keyboards and the browser somehow can't remember the PW for the GX frontend, so I type it in and sometimes get it wrong.
Sometimes multiple times before I realize I'm typing on a non-German keyboard.
But - holy sh!t - who designed the login dialogue?


So instead how everyone(tm) does it - namely that below the input field or next to the "Password *" text you get some error message maybe in red "Wrong password" and can try again without having to grab the mouse and search for some OK button that someone placed somewhere...


Like that. Also observe "the eye" which can show you - on demand - what you're actually typing.

Pretty please (like in Victron's own interest) get the basics right.

gx device
vgx-error.jpg (48.8 KiB)
nextcloud-login.jpg (32.9 KiB)
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