I am running a fully off-grid system. Fronius Primo 8.2-1 AC coupled to a Multiplus-II 48/10000.
DC coupled side consisting of 2x 150/70 MPPT. Total solar is 15KW. 10KW on the Primo & 5KW on the MPPT's. 8x US3000 Pylontechs are the storage specs and a CCGX brain box.
After recent firmware updates I have noticed that after the batteries are fully charged that the Primo's output is 0-watts at an inverter frequency of 52.5 kHz, and any load is being directly covered by the MPPT's and not the Primo.
Before this it was the other way around, the Primo was covering the loads consumed directly and the MPPT's were brought into the system only when an increased load was applied and slowly reduced as the frequency was reduced to increase the Primo's output. The system seems to be biased towards the MPPT's now and not the Primo. Has Victron changed something here recently?