
niro avatar image
niro asked

Multiplus II remote operate via VRM

Hi @ all :-)

Short question: Is it possible to control/operate the charge current/output power on the AC-side of the Multiplus II via VRM?

Until the ESS is ready to work autonomous, it would be handy to be able to control the unit at least manually.

Otherwise, it would not be more than an rather expensive paper weight.

Best Regards.

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8 Answers
offgridfren avatar image
offgridfren answered ·

you can through the vrm remote console. you can set the charge current and you can limit the inverter power

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niro avatar image
niro answered ·

Cool, but where and how exactly?

I could not find such a menu.

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

If you have a gx device, and per the manual, it is enabled for 2-way communication under vrm settings and your vrm account has full access rights, the remote console appears as a menu item.

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niro avatar image
niro answered ·

The Multiplus II is a GX-device itself.

2-way communication is also enabled.

I have been looking through various settings in the remote console, but obviously could not find what I was looking for.

Where in the console hids the function in question?

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michaelvh avatar image
michaelvh answered ·

Go to Settings > ESS > limit inverter power (put toggle on), there you can set the output limit in watts

The charge current, you can limit in Settings > DVCC > limit charging current

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niro avatar image
niro answered ·

Thank you. So there is no "manual operating mode" as such, just an indirect limit function.

But how can one start/stop the charge/discharge mode?

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

If you go to your site's VRM settings you can enable inverter/charger control, you can then remotely change modes like so:


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niro avatar image
niro answered ·

Thank you, found it.

It becomes apparent, that the Multiplus is not intended for manual operation...fair enough, why would it, if it can operate autonomous.

I was just curious, if it is possible at all - now I know.

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