
Joe avatar image
Joe asked

Lost connection to REC BMS Error #67

Updating this one, as I have been asked to move to "Mods" and even the BMS manufacturer (REC BMS) could not help me.

Long story short: several times a day, one of my two BlueSolar MPPTs (150/45) loses connection to the BMS with error #67. (always only one of two has the problem! Exchange of cables is not the solution)


Both MPPTs are connected via USB cable to the Raspi3b, running Venus OS 3.00 ~xx. All other devices on latest.

Only "replug", "Venus reboot" or "Bluesolar reset" solves the issue until next occurance.

Log files indicate a "Timeout":

GNU nano 4.9.3 @4000000063f9cfaa3884c9c4.u @4000000063f9529d17a4d564 *** starting can-bus-bms ***
@4000000063f9529d181a305c can-bus-bms v0.39
@4000000063f9b53c3571a5f4 *** CCGX booted (0) ***
@4000000063f9b5541e76d20c *** starting can-bus-bms ***
@4000000063f9b554307c123c can-bus-bms v0.39
@4000000063f9c2111e14477c -------- dumping backlog -------
@4000000063f9c2111e145334 INF.canhw_drv: adding driver socketcan
@4000000063f9c2111e145eec INF.: Using can8
@4000000063f9c2111e1462d4 INF.can-bms: Product ID from settings: B022
@4000000063f9c2111e147274 INF.can-bms: dbus_service: registering name com.victronenergy.battery.socketcan_can8 (yes, I am using can8 in order not disturb any pre-reserved can1, 2, 3 interfaces after latest FW Changes, but same error w/ can1, 2, 3, also)
@4000000063f9c2111e148214 INF.can-bms: Manufacturer: 'REC-BMS'
@4000000063f9c2111e148dcc bms timeout
@4000000063f9c2111e14959c INF.can-bms: disconnecting from dbus
@4000000063f9c21c1d87518c INF.can-bms: dbus_service: registering name com.victronenergy.battery.socketcan_can8


another logfile, same applies for ttyUSB1 as well:

@4000000063fdf737328f2744 *** starting vedirect-interface ***

@4000000063fdf737340d8214 vedirect-dbus 3.71

@4000000063fdf73a346e7664 -------- dumping backlog -------

@4000000063fdf73a346e821c 000.096 INF.task: using ttyUSB0 as unique service part

@4000000063fdf73a346e91bc 000.096 INF.VE.Direct: Setting status to VdUnknown

@4000000063fdf73a346ea544 000.106 INF.settings: connected to settings on dbus (com.victronenergy.settings)

@4000000063fdf73a346ec86c 003.006 ERR.values: timeout connecting device

@4000000063fdf73a346edfdc 003.006 INF.task: done in 003.006

@4000000063fdf7461bcd4194 *** starting vedirect-interface ***

@4000000063fdf7461d522444 vedirect-dbus 3.71

My questions:

1. Might an "increase of allowed feedback time" within VENUS solve the issue as problem comes from a timeout? If so, where to adjust? For a EM24-related problem (WIFI) this was the solution also.

Update : I played around in the meantime and had a full day without any error #67

(but I as a DAU (engl. LUSER/PEBKAC) ;) might not know what exactly I am doing here, so I need advise:

Changed a few timeout values in /usr/share/dbus-1#/session.conf to:


Again: not a single outage today, but need to monitor further.

2. I know there is an automated reboot if VENUS cannot connect to VRM portal implemented, but:

As a reboot of Venus solves this specific problem: is there a "MQTT-Write" available to reboot Venus automated using Node-Red? I am just bored of rebooting my ESS 10-20 times every day manually to be able to harvest and rebooting the whole Raspi several times a day is not the preferred solution.

Just to add: even though I seem to have an unsupported environment, I saw the same error in posts where others used the Cerbo instead a Raspi. I am also aware that the first time, Error #67 occured was v2.80, where Victron made some changes to the image:

Maybe the quickly provided repair v2.82 does not consider "Multiple MPPTs" in one system? Matthijs himself was quite active on this one trying to help.

Again, help/advise/insights are much appreciated, I tried to get help from REC BMS, but they've gone totally quiet on this one and cannot help.

Thanks in advance!

BMSVE.Directmppt state
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hardy-tuner avatar image hardy-tuner commented ·

1ee70ba4-6201-4fd0-b62f-6b13026f37da.pngMy REC BMS on a real Cerbo is working at 250:a8e8cb66-63a2-4a95-8180-9cbeb724ba1c.png

Which CAN hat is working on raspberry?

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6 Answers
hardy-tuner avatar image
hardy-tuner answered ·

First off all: don‘t use the word Cerbo when u don’t have it Installation. Using Venus OS on raspberry is more correct!

Which CAN speed is configured on Venus OS and do it match with REC manual?

DVCC is configured?

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Joe avatar image
Joe answered ·

Thanks Hardy! Right, didn't know the right wording so tried to say the "Cerbo" is an emulated one only.

REC BMS Manual says the following:

- GX >v2.60

- Use BMS CAN port for Cerbo but VE-Can port for other GX devices (I used VE-Can port)

- Set CAN BUS profile to "CAN-Bus BMS (500 Kbit/s) for Cerbo GX or VE.Can & Can-bus BMS (250kbit/s) for other GX devices. --> as the 250kbit/s never worked and the 500kbit/s worked from scratch, I am at the 500 kbit/s.

- Battery monitor --> REC BMS in CAN-bus

- DVCC --> on, SVS --> on, STS --> on

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Joe avatar image
Joe answered ·

Good morning! After a full day with no problem, again "connection lost", so chaning the timeout values was not the solution :(1679985791485.png

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Joe avatar image
Joe answered ·

Seems I am really the only one having a REC BMS 16S with two MPPTs and this bloody error #67?

It still occurs daily and there seems to be no solution available. The fact that it works for a while but then gets the #67 is really annoying.

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stokie77 avatar image stokie77 commented ·
Sorry to hear of your struggles, must be SO frustrating. You’re not the only one, mine usually drops out every 1,2, or 3 days, leaving my hydro turbine free-spooling, and no power coming in.

I have to open up the shipping container door, turn Bluetooth on and start Victron Connect on my mobile, seeing the “Error 67, BMS connection lost”, then I have to navigate to the “Reset to Factory settings”, then re-enter the correct battery type, absorbtion and float voltages.

The turbine usually loads back up immediately and we’re back in business.

I’m looking forward to this bug getting fixed.

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Joe avatar image
Joe answered ·

Hi all, another idea/try and I am asking for help:

As a reboot of Venus or reset of MPPT solves the issue for an hour or so, I am looking for a possibility to automate the "reboot" process.

I am aware of a "reboot on portal connection lost" functionality, but have no clue on how to establish a reboot on "error #67". (maybe an error #67 can be translated into "portal lost error?".

As the device gets completely "lost" I am even unable to catch the #67 from the offline MPPT, as this error kills the whole connection but I am getting the Error Notification in the messages.


Goal: If MPPT1 has no error code (or e.g. "PV Power" >50) and MPPT2 = x then reboot venus or raspi.

As MPPT2 is completely off in case of #67, I am struggling defining an event.

Does anybody have a good idea what I could to?

Help is much appreciated!


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Joe avatar image
Joe answered ·

Seems I am talking to myself here, but in case someone else has the same problem, here's my final solution:

Whyle trying to find a creative solution, I have bougt a cheap USB-Hub at Aliexpress, and plugged the two MPPTs via into the USB hub.

This means that only one instead of two USB ports is plugged for the two MPPTs directly at the Raspberry.

So far, two days without any interruption.

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Related Resources

Victron VE.Bus BMS product page

Victron 3rd party BMS compatibility page

VE.Direct protocol FAQ

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic