
edclarke avatar image
edclarke asked

Orion-Tr Smart DC-DC Charger Remote (off)

Does anyone know if it's possible to dis-able charging by applying +12V to either/both the L or H pins. I'm trying to charge a van starter battery from the house battery when the ignition is off, but want to ensure this DC-DC charger is off when the alternator is on, and another DC-DC charger is charging the house batteries from the starter battery.

It would be very convenient if my alternator-on signal to the starter-to-house charger could also disable the house-to-starter charger.

orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Not directly possible as the Orion is OFF unless turned ON.

You will have to switch the Orion ON using a relay/switching which recognises the conditions correctly. A normally closed relay supplying voltage to the H pin which is energised by the switched ignition supply would achieve the alternator requirement.

But are you over thinking this? If the starter battery is charging from the alternator and the Orion is set correctly, it will not pass current because the starter battery voltage is high.

I'm not clear about your wish for the external charger.

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edclarke avatar image edclarke commented ·
The use case is for charging the van starter battery from the very large house battery (continuously charged by solar) when the van sits unused for long periods of time. Thank you for answering—I was hoping to avoid an external relay.
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isabella avatar image isabella edclarke commented ·

I have the same setup as you edclarke and am also looking for a way to disable my Orion Tr Smart DC-DC charger when the engine is running, did you find a solution?

Is it correct what kevgermany said?

"If the starter battery is charging from the alternator and the Orion is set correctly, it will not pass current because the starter battery voltage is high."

If so, does this mean there is no need to connect a remote switch to disable the charger (charges start batt from house bank when engine not running) when the engine is running and charging the start batt from the alt?

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