
Frank A. avatar image
Frank A. asked

Is there a way to give a user whitout 'full controle' the ability to change basic ESS settings on the VRM dashboard?

I would like a user without 'full control' to be able to change the ESS mode, without giving access to 'remote console' and other more 'admin' features. The goal is that the user is able to let its battery charge from the grid and return to charging with excess solar when he chooses to.


In addition to that it would be great to let the same user be able to configure its own scheduled charging.

Is this in any way possible without 'full control'?

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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·


If you can manage with local (lan) access, you could create your own node-red dashboard with just the features you want to adjust.

Dashboards are also published remotely via VRM but I haven't tested if access to that is also restricted for a limited access user account.

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