
afk314 avatar image
afk314 asked

Multiplus wiring with Venus and BMV

I will be adding a Venus and Multiplus to my system this year. I already have a MPPT and a BMV in place.

I will wire the 12V 2700VA Multiplus with 4/0 wire. The positive will run from a battery terminal to the class T fuse, to a kill switch and finally to the Multiplus. However, I am a bit puzzled on the negative.

I assume I should run the negative from the battery to the shunt, and then another 4/0 running to the inverter. But the manual states to connect to the batteries directly, and I don't love the fact that my cabling at the battery side is asymmetrical but I am assuming this is just a detail?

Any help is appreciated!

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi Afk. Yeh, you may have to read-between-the-lines a little sometimes to add in extra kit. Symmetric +ve and -ve to the Multi is unimportant and serves no function. And that kit you'll have on both wires may also have a little internal resistance anyway. It doesn't matter.

Where it DOES matter is the cables between batts and batt strings. You won't need 4/0 cable there because the lengths are so short, but those cables are best matched (and tested to match) to help prevent batt imbalance.

Great that you're taking so much care. Good luck with the installation..

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