I am an engineering student studying solar energy. I am trying to put together a very simple solar system which use a 50W panel to charge a 100Ah lead acid battery, and support a small DC load (e.g. a 5w light bulb). I am very new to this and I am not sure how to put together this system together. Here is a rough circuit diagram of my intended system:
I am looking into using a Victron SmartSolar MPPT 70 | 15 Charge Controller to manage the PV panel, Battery, and the DC load of the system. I chose the "SmartSolar" controller because I wanted to use it's Bluetooth capability to download and analyze the solar system data.
Using the VictronConnect app, I accessed a demo of the MPPT 75 | 15 controller and downloaded the sample data as a .csv format. This data, however, was only data collected on a daily basis. Is there anyway to get this data on an hourly, or even better, a minute-by-minute basis?
From the info I found online, it looks like you may need to connect your device to a GX Device and use the VRM Portal to have access to data at an hourly or minute-by-minute basis. Is this true? If I want to collect high frequency data from my MPPT, do I need to use the VRM portal? Or is there some way to access this more-frequent data from the VictronConnect app?
If so, can I use the VE.Direct LoRaWAN Module to connect my MPPT to VRM? (See diagram, blue wire is VE.Direct cable). If so, do I use the "Load" positive terminal to power this device?
Thank you!