
Jeremy Albrecht avatar image
Jeremy Albrecht asked

GX Touch 50 "shaking" image, touchscreen not usable

Seemingly at random the image on my GX Touch 50 will start shaking side to side, acting sort of as if someone had afinger randomly swiping on it. Attempts to use the menu during this are unsuccessful as it bounces right back to the overview pages. Connecting to it remotely gives the same activity.

The only way I've found to recover from this is to pull the power for the GX Touch 50, which stops the shaking, and then pull the HDMI cable, which restores control.

My Touch 50 is usually connected via an HDMI extension cable, but it does this even if I remove the cable and connect the GX Touch 50 and the Cerbo GX directly.

Any thoughts?

cerbo gxtouchscreen
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1 Answer
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

The fact that the remote image moves also suggests a defective touch surface on the Touch 50. Needs to be replaced.

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Jeremy Albrecht avatar image Jeremy Albrecht commented ·
I was afraid of that. At least it's still in warranty.


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