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flare1000 asked

Digital Multi Control - Inverter Only

Setup: The DMC is connected to the Multiplus-II via RJ45-UTP. A Lynx Smart BMS 500 and a Cerbo GX are part of the system.

The DMC offers the following settings: Charger only, Off and On. When the physical switch is set to "On", it activates the charger and the inverter at the same time.

Is it possible to configure the DMC in a way that the Multiplus-II is set to "Inverter Only" if the physical switch is set to "On"? I don't want to enable the charger at the same time. Current workaround is to physically disconnect A/C input to ensure that only power from the batteries is taken and not from the grid.

Thanks a lot,

Multiplus-IIDigital Multi Control
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1 Answer
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·


Not as long as the DMC is connected. If you unplug the DMC, you can switch to Inverter only from your GX device.

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