
sgodiv avatar image
sgodiv asked

Color Control CCGX Stuck On Boot Screen

After a low battery reboot the CCGX is stuck on the boot screen "Victon". I've tried soft rebooting (page and menu buttons at the same time) and the screen goes black then white then back to the boot screen.

I tried disconnecting D.C. power to the CCGX and when it boots it is still stuck on the splash screen.

I disconnected solar, ac, and batteries for 1 minute plus and when it boots it is still stuck on theboot splash screen.

Any suggestions?

CCGX Color Control
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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

You could try this procedure:

Though if you wish, you could also return it to your supplier for a replacement.

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M.C. Pretorius avatar image M.C. Pretorius commented ·

Good day Guy.

Still no joy with CCGX!

Unit was bought around 2014/15, but not installed.

System runs well, with only BMV700. We now want to add/install CCGX, but cannot get it to communicate with Multi?

When power-up, only Victron Blue screen displays.

Have tried to "recover" CCGX by downloading update software, but seems to be unsuccessfull?

What now? :-(:-(

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ M.C. Pretorius commented ·

Did you try the three button proceedure and get to the white text on black screen as described in the link above?

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M.C. Pretorius avatar image M.C. Pretorius Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·


Sorry, was offline for some time.

Yes, tried the "three button" procedure, but blue Victron "sign-on" screen goes black, then returns solid blue screen only.

Not sure whether CCGX can access the "updating software" as downloaded from website though.

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M.C. Pretorius avatar image M.C. Pretorius Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·

List of software updates on website rather confusing!

Which is the correct one to download and use?

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