Hi all
Newbie here, first post and I'm not v technical - please be kind!
I have 2 x Trojan AGM 200Ah 6v batteries connected in series that have been well maintained, they are 14 months old. 4 days we saw our inverter had switched off overnight. When we checked the Victron app the voltage had plummeted in the early hours, and simultaneously the mid-point voltage deviation had rocketed, the system then returned to normal after approx. 2 hrs (and we manually restarted the inverter) – screen shots below. The situation has occurred again early this morning, screen shots also attached. Please would someone be able to advise what our issue may be?
Many thanks in advance
Laurie Voltage_Mid Point 041022.jpgCurrent_Mid Point 011022.jpgVoltage_Mid Point 041022.jpgCurrent_Mid Point 041022.jpg