Hi, My smart shunt's SOC is very inaccurate. Today battery was nearly charged (less than 0.5v from full chraged voltage and current was around 1A) and the shunt was reporting 50% soc (Last full charge and sync to 100% was 4 days ago). My battery is a Li-Ion 18650 build with 14s20p 20AH in total usable.
Not sure if this helps but this is my vrm share link: https://vrm.victronenergy.com/installation/191449/share/6b42df03 maybe someone can tell whats wrong...
Also my other devices in system are:
RPI 3 Venus device
MultiPlus-II 48/3000/35-32
BlueSolar Charger MPPT 150/45 rev3
Here are my current settings: