
joerg-winkel avatar image
joerg-winkel asked

Energy Meter required?

In my setup the grid is only connected to my MultiPlus-II's. My house is only connected to the AC Out 1's on the Multis: unbenannt-4.jpgIn this setup, the readings are inconsistent:

unbenannt-3.jpgQuestion: Do I really need the EM24 energy meter? What is it - in my setup - good for? Is it required by german regulations?

I ask because when I set the grid metering in ESS to Inverter/Charger the inconsistent display is gone:


ESSEnergy Meterem24
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2 Answers
sharpener avatar image
sharpener answered ·

No, in your setup the EM24 doesn't do anything that the internal current sensor in the Multi isn't doing already. It should work if the ESS is set to External Meter though, maybe its Role and Position are not set up correctly in the Device List?

Can't answer for German regulations but it is hard to see why they would want it. AFAIK not required in the UK.

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mickymac avatar image
mickymac answered ·

From what I've found you only need the energy meter if your loads are connected to the AC-In of the Multiplus. If you've just got your loads on the AC-Out as you've suggested then there is no need for it. If that's the case, I'd just set the energy meter mode to Inverter/Charger and you should be fine.

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Related Resources

What is ESS training video

ESS Quick Installation Guide

ESS design and installation manual

Energy Meter Selection Guide

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

Energy Meter Manual EM24 RS485